Monday, April 29, 2013

Music Inspiration

 These songs have spoken to me in the pass couple days and I just NEEDED to share them with all of you!!!! 

First take a moment to listen to this song titled Don't try So Hard By Amy Grant and James Taylor!!!! I heard this song on klove the other day and almost had to pull over because I had such crazy tears in my eyes. Then, I started to cry when I heard the verse 'He gave you His love and He's not leaving; He gave His Son so you'd believe it'.

I thought to myself at that moment he does love me for who I am and I plan to open my heart up to Him and love Him for who I am! He has already accepted me, why not let him love me! I think sometimes you have to stop trying to hard and just let God take over. I have learned that very quickly and what comes with that is even more of a reward then I ever expected. 

Then literally the next day I hear this song. It just reminded me SO SO SO much of our society and what they think about marriage or relationships overall. I said a silent pray to God to guide them through their marriage/relationship. I know some of you can relate to this weather in a relationship, a past one or maybe someday even through the struggles you can relate and I prayed that for the past, present and future of all relationships good, bad and indifferent that you can find God and accept jesus into your life and know that without those two things in your life you cannot go on. God knows how to Restore better then anything in this life.

I am going to end on this video..... It speaks for itself!!!

Happy listening!

God Bless,

~Victoria Clouse

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Week 1

The Girlfriends In God (GiG) Team has put together a weekly video that corresponds with the reading that I will also post. They are all very short little clips that each lady take a moment to talk to us. 

God knows what is going on in our lives as well as our hearts. I plan to be completely honest the whole time I am on this Blog. Not being honest does not help our trusting in God. What an eye opener for the first weeks reading! The stories were relatable on different levels and so  to think about in our very own lives. At the end of this weeks reading were a series of questions called "Now It's Your Turn", these questions are quit profound. I found a couple that hit me personally in my faith in God along with the reading. So lets get started on some of those questions....

  • What letter did everyone pick about the "trust-bail"?
    • I picked letter C, which is "I Know He's strong and can handle the weight of my fall, but I bail cautiously just in case He's not interested in catching me this time". I feel like this because at times i feel my problems are minor and not as important as others who have "real" problems. God should answer their prayers over my own mediocre stresses in life. 
  • What part does human understanding play in the process of strengthening our faith in God?
    • This question seems like there is so much more beyond our understanding in God. Our faith comes from faith and believing that you cannot see with our own human eyes. Understanding is believing in something bigger then yourself and acting upon it.
  • What does the word all mean to you when it comes to trusting God "with all your heart"?
    • We hear this or we say this when we absolutely love someone or something such as an unborn child or a spouse. When we love someone so much we give them our all, we give them everything even our lives. Could you give yours in the name of God? The God who people claim to never see, never hear, never believe, and to never trust. 
    • When you say "with all your heart" you must put God above all!!! Trust that He will be the one there in all times and darkness, all times of stress and pain, even when you seem like you can no longer go on, He is there. When you think you made the wrong choice, and life seems unfair, He is there with you guiding you to your next adventure on Earth!
    • What does it mean to you???
  • This question God to me the MOST..... this is the question of questioning Gods decisions..... If God has given angels charge over us, then why are some people protected in a car crash, but others aren't? If God really loves me, then why did He let this or that happen? Why didn't He deliever my loved one from cancer.... from the accident... from temptation?
    • How do you answer this? However, my feeling about this is that God has a plan for everyone and everything and those unfortunate things are apart of it. We tend to look at something like losing a family member in an accident or to cancer as we lost our loved one, instead we should look at it as the other family/friends loved one got to live. Or when you ask God why he allowed the other person to live and not your loved one, you are basically asking God to put them in as much pain as you are currently going in. It almost seems unfair at times.
    • Can anyone elaborate on this?
  • The last question is very hard to answer.... most of you have someone to catch you when you fall. Who would you trust to catch you? Are you more often the friend on the tall stump needing to trust or the friend on the ground encouraging another to trust? 
    • Above all my HUSBAND! Besides him though I have a couple friends I can say that i trust to catch me, but I feel more often then not that they are to business for me, almost like the how I feel God feels for me at times. Pretty crazy to think that about another person who I am supposed to trust and care for as they would for me. My problems are not as important or again are mediocre compared to what other peoples are. I would rather be the one there to catch someone else then for someone to have to worry about taking time and effort to catch me.
I end this weeks reading with the things that stood out to me in this weeks reading. First is on page 14 "God wants you to trust Him... right where you are. It might be scary. Tears might be shed, But God is faithful and can be trusted". The next one on page 17 "when we ignore our Father's warnings, we forfeit the safety of His shore and plunge into the ocean of harm's way". Also a prayer from that same page from Psalm 144:7 "Reach down your hand from on high; deliver me and reuse me from the mighty waters". 

Thank you lord for this day, thank you for your blessings in our lives seen and unseen. We thank you for the love and pateince you give us to wait for your calling. Guide us through those storms that come with darkness to find the calm in the storm and trust that you will be there to catch us if and when we fall. We pray for those who have not found or are search for your trust that you weigh on their heart and send them understanding to love will all their hearts. In your sweet in holy name, Amen.

God Bless!!!

~Victoria Clouse

Saturday, April 20, 2013

In the Beginning.......

Hello and Welcome!!!!

I am excited that you have decided to come check out this blog titled God's Beautiful Imperfections. This blog is to bring together people of all backgrounds, all races, all genders, and all ages to learn and share with other readers what your purpose is in God's creation.

For the next couple months we will focus on trusting God with this book, ironically, titled Trusting God. The authors are three women named Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith and Mary Southerland who created this ministry for women who call themselves "Girlfriends In God". In this day in age with technology there is no reason that people cannot come together, for us its on here or elsewhere on the world wide web, and fellowship!!!!  The idea of this book is to share with others our experiences, our stories about the bible and God and also learning from others about Gods plan or how to figure out God's plan for our own lives. I will post from this book starting in the next couple days. Any and all comments are welcome. If you would like to follow along I will be posting information from this book every other week and comments throughout the week.

Here is the link to the actual page of their devotionals. There are also 12 short videos that I will post along with the book information.

If anyone would like to join my email distro list please send and email to Victoria Clouse at This distro list is just to inform you that I have posted on this blog not as spam.

I end on this note..... God created all that was in 6 days and on the 7th day he rested, which signified the end of God creating by himself!!!

God Bless!!!

~ Victoria Clouse

Good Father

Last week (26 April 2017) while at Engage Night at our church, The Worship Center, we heard a song about our father. The idea of Engage Nigh...